
12 June 2019 · 1 minute read


Hello and welcome to GrepKeys. This website has been set up to help inform you about keyboards in an effort to assist you with buying your first keyboard. Each keyboard page contains a description of the features of the keyboard, the available switches, a sound test and a link to the place we recommend purchasing the keyboard.

So, after all this blurb, it might be time to introduce ourselves. twdly is a newly-forged mechanical keyboard enthusiast, having recently purchased his first board. Hence, he wrote most, if not all, of the website's content. arzg, on the other hand, knows very little about the subject matter, and wrote most of the website's source code (stealing a lot from his previous project with Hugo, an unfinished blog). We're both fans of graphic design, and typography in particular, which hopefully shows in GrepKeys’ layout.

Contrary to what you (hopefully) might think, GrepKeys was made as a school project for our software class. We would like to thank the creators of the tools we used to make this website, which are: Hugo (a static site generator), Git(Hub) for version control and collaboration respectively. twdly uses Sublime Text, and arzg uses NeoVim – you can find his configuration here. Lastly, but perhaps most importantly, we use the Unix Shell to glue all these tools together. Here is an example of it in action.

Finally, make sure you remember that the red switch is linear (it's an inside joke – don't worry about it).